(Currently) all content is in jupyter notebook format and is hosted on my on GitHub at github.com/ihasdapie/teaching.
I’ve also set up a binder enviroment so that you can work with them interactively by using clicking on this badge:
or following this link mybinder.org/v2/gh/ihasdapie/teaching/HEAD
Exam review
Jupyter notebook for exam review based on student-requested content. Either download it and run locally, use Google Colab, or this Binder link.
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2 Notes
- Midterm review
- Heaps and DP handout (\( \LaTeX’d \))
- Heaps and DP Office hours notes
- Final exam review 2022
- Heaps and graphs office hours notes 2022
(All else currently WIP), see: github.com/ihasdapie/teaching/